Saturday, November 19, 2011

too tired for the camera? i think not.



Kyle Parish said...

beautiful pictures! i still feel that way about having my picture taken and my baby is a year old. does that ever go away?

HomeSweetDenver said...

Freaking cute!!!! Seriously, you guys are total hams.

Anonymous said...

Those are fabulous!!! Your family is TOO stinkin' cute.

The Bonjour Four said...

love the pics! and you look fabulous. you really do!

Cindy said...

You are TOOOO cute! I love seeing your family pictures! thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Your children are beautiful. Way to make some awesome babies!

Erin said...

love your new blog header, and your outfit and hair and kids.

Jami Nato said...

auj, these pics are great.
and you look great...stop it.
and june is truly a fetus and george is a nugget face.
zach, you are just you. i got nothing.